Hooks & Function

Hooks and Functions

useConnect Hook

To create a connection component you can use useConnect hook. It returns two reactive values: status and wallets, and two functions: connectW3 and disconnectW3.

import { useConnect } from '@w3vm/react'
export default function Connect() {
  const { connectors, status, connectW3, disconnectW3 } = useConnect()
  return (
      { =>(
      <button key={} disabled={Boolean(status)} onClick={()=>connectW3({ connector })}>
        <img src={connector.icon} alt={} />


Connectors is an array that contains all the connectors' instances that we have already initialized. Each connector instance is an object that contains the following properties:

  • id
    Unique id of the wallet
  • name
    The name of the wallet as string
  • icon
    It can be undefined or the icon you passed when initializing the wallet class, it's also declared automatically for EIP-6963 compatible wallets.
  • getProvider
    A function that returns the wallet's provider


A string that shows a current ongoing process:


type Status = 'Initializing' | 'Connecting' | 'Disconnecting' | 'Loading' | 'GeneratingURI' | undefined


It's a function that takes as argument an object with a connector and optionally a chain (3038 compliant chain or number).

connectW3({ connector, chain: mainnet })


It's a function that doesn't require any arguments and will clear out the user's session state.

Notice there's no actual way of disconnecting an extension wallet from a dapp unless the user disconnects it directly from the extension. This function will clear the session's state in the dapp but the wallet will still be shown as connected on the extension's UI.

Both disconnectW3 and connectW3 functions can be either imported directly from the library or the useConnect hook.

Custom Hooks


Will return the current user's address

const address: string = getW3Address()


Will return the user's current chain id.

const chain: number = getW3Chain()


Will return an error of type ProviderRpcError (following EIP-1193 (opens in a new tab)) or Error

const error: ProviderRpcError | Error = getW3Error()


Will return the provider of the connected wallet or undefined if the user is not connected. You can pass this one down to Web3.js, viem or ethers.js.

const w3Provider = getW3Provider()