
Getting Started

W3Vm is an evm wallet connectors library for decentralized applications. It's inspired by Wagmi's references with the difference that it's eth-lib agnostic. (Eth-lib for ethereum libraries such as ethers.js, viem or web3.js).
It sets up for you a wallet connection infrastructure with a built-in store and React hooks to handle the wallet state and user's sessions.

Compatible with ethers.js, viem and Web3.js

Current supported protocols & wallets

The core package of this library supports injected (browser extension) and EIP-6963 compliant wallet.

Additional packages that can be installed:

  • WalletConnect connector
  • Coinbase SDK connector
  • MetaMask SDK connector


npm i @w3vm/react

Install WalletConnect connector

npm i @w3vm/walletconnect

Init W3

initW3 must be called outside the root component to avoid unwanted rerenders.

import { W3, initW3, Injected } from '@w3vm/react'
import { WalletConnect } from '@w3vm/walletconnect'
/* Icons */
import walletconnect from 'public/walletconnect.svg'
import wallet from 'public/extension-wallet.png'
/* WalletConnect Project Id */
const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'
const w3props = initW3({
  connectors: [
    new Injected({ icon: wallet }), 
    new WalletConnect({ 
      icon: walletconnect,
      showQrModal: true,
      optionalChains:[1, 137]
  defaultChain: 1, // Optional
  SSR: true, // Optional - For SSR Frameworks like Next.js
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
      <W3 {...w3props} /> { /* Required when SSR: true */ }
      <Component {...pageProps} />

Create your WalletConnect Project ID at WalletConnect Cloud

Connect to a Wallet

Import the useConnect hook and map through the connectors array:

import { useConnect } from '@w3vm/react'
export default function Connect() {
  const { connectors, connectW3, disconnectW3, status } = useConnect()
  return (
      { =>(
      <button key={} disabled={Boolean(status)} onClick={()=>connectW3({ connector })}>
        <img src={connector.icon} alt={} />

Custom Hooks

import { getW3Chain, getW3Address, getW3Error } from '@w3vm/react'
export default function UserInfo(){
  const address = getW3Address()
  const chain = getW3Chain()
  const error = getW3Error()
  return (
      address: {address}
      Chain ID: {chain}
      Error: {error}

Use with Ethers.js

import { BrowserProvider } from 'ethers'
import { getW3Provider } from '@w3vm/react'
export default function useEthersProvider(){
  const w3Provider = getW3Provider()
  function callContract(){
    if(!w3Provider) throw new Error('User not connected')
    const provider = new BrowserProvider(w3Provider)

Use with Web3.js

import Web3 from 'web3'
import { getW3Provider } from '@w3vm/react'
export default function useWeb3Provider() {
  const w3Provider = getW3Provider()
  function callContract(){
    if(!w3Provider) throw new Error('User not connected')
    const provider = new Web3(w3Provider)

Use with Viem

import { getW3Provider } from '@w3vm/react'
import { createWalletClient, custom } from 'viem'
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'
export default function useWalletClient() {
  const w3Provider = getW3Provider()
  function callContract(){
    if(!w3Provider) throw new Error('User not connected')
    const client = createWalletClient({
      chain: mainnet,
      transport: custom(w3Provider)